Prior Legal Briefs for 2012
- December, 2012 - Does Santa Claus Exist?
- November, 2012 - Common Law
- October, 2012 - Statute Law
- September, 2012 - What is a Precedent Case?
- August, 2012 - Shakespeare and Lawyers
- July, 2012 - What Can I Do If I've Bought A Lemon?
- June, 2012 - Home Inspections
- April, 2012 - What is a Corporation?
- March, 2012 - What is a Partnership?
- February, 2012 - What is a Proprietorship?
- January, 2012 - The New Wills and Succession Act
- Prior Year Legal Briefs
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Please note that this Legal Brief Of The Month feature is intended to provide general information only, and is not intended to provide specific legal advice for any situation. You should consult with a lawyer before acting on any matter that you are facing. Your use of, and access to this website, does not create a lawyer-client relationship with John K.J. Campbell, Barrister & Solicitor.