Legal Brief for August, 2011

Not So Bright Questions

With the lazy, hazy days of August now upon us, it’s a good time to take a break from the consideration of practical legal issues and take a look at the lighter side of the law. One area where humour can often interject itself is in the courtroom. Even the most experienced of trial lawyers find that they occasionally blurt out some ill advised questions as they are carefully proceeding with their cases. Here is a sampling of some amusing flubs, courtesy of Court Jesters, by Peter V. MacDonald (1985).

  1. Were you acquainted with the deceased?
  2. Yes?
  3. Before or after he died?
  1. Who else was with you in your van?
  2. There was no one else.
  3. Were you alone, then?
  4. Yeah.
  5. And you were the driver?
  6. Yeah.
  1. How many children - she had three? Right?
  2. Yes.
  3. How many were boys?
  4. None.
  5. Were there girls?
  6. Three girls.
  1. And, Doctor, as a result of your examination of the plaintiff in this case, was the young lady pregnant?
  2. The young lady was pregnant, but not as a result of my examination.
  1. Now isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn't know anything about it until the next morning?
  2. Uh, if you say so.

Moments of humour like these can certainly lighten the mood of a courtroom in a hurry!

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